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Article 13

(1) At the level of each of the 43 electoral constituencies, a constituency electoral bureau shall be set up, composed of 3 judges, a representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority and of 12 representatives, at the most, of the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities taking part in the elections, under this law, in the respective electoral constituency. The premises of the constituency electoral bureau for the Romanian citizens domiciled or residing abroad are located in the Municipality of Bucharest.

(2) The appointment of the 3 judges shall be done in public session, within 21 days from the beginning of the electoral period, by random draw, by the president of the county court, from among the judges in office of the county court, respectively of the Bucharest County Court, for the Bucharest Electoral Constituency and for the electoral constituency for the Romanian citizens domiciled or residing abroad. The date of the session is made public, in the press, by the president of the county court, at least 48 hours before. The result of the random draw shall be entered in the minutes, signed by the president, representing the establishment document. Within 24 hours from their appointment, the judges, by secret vote, shall elect the president of the constituency electoral bureau and his/ her alternate. From that moment on, the bureau thus established shall fulfil all the powers that are incumbent upon it under this law and it shall be completed with the representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority, with representatives of the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, according to this law.

(3) Within 24 hours from the expiry of the deadline referred to in paragraph (2), the constituency electoral bureau shall be completed with a representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority.

(4) The constituency electoral bureau, set up according to paragraphs (1) to (3), shall fulfil all the powers incumbent upon it according to this law.

(5) Within 48 hours from the date the constituency electoral bureaus are set up, the parliamentary political parties, as well as, the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities in the Chamber of Deputies must notify, in writing, to the constituency electoral bureaus, the first and last names of their representatives therein. All notifications sent after this deadline shall be disregarded.

(6) Within 5 days from the date until which candidatures can be proposed, political parties, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliances and electoral alliances taking part in the elections, other than those referred to in paragraph (5), must notify, in writing, to the constituency electoral bureaus, the first and last names of their representatives therein. All notifications sent after this deadline shall be disregarded.

(7) The completion of the constituency electoral bureaus with representatives of the parliamentary political parties and with the representative of the parliamentary group of national minorities in the Chamber of Deputies, whose identity data have been communicated according to paragraph (5), shall be done in 24 hours from the expiry of the deadline set in paragraph (5), in the order of the cumulative number of mandates obtained in the last elections for the Senate and the Chamber of Deputies.

(8) The completion of the constituency electoral bureaus with repre­sentatives of the political parties, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliances and electoral alliances taking part in the elections, whose identity data have been communicated according to paragraph (6), shall be done in 48 hours from the expiry of the deadline set in paragraph (6), in the order of the number of final candidatures in the respective electoral constituency. In the event of an equal number of candidatures, the order for the completion of the constituency electoral bureau, up to the maximum number of members thereof, shall be established by random draw, in public session.

(9) Electoral offices are set up at the level of the sectors of the Municipality of Bucharest and are composed of a president, his/her alternate, a representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority and 8 representatives, at the most, of parliamentary political parties and the parliamentary group of national minorities in the Chamber of Deputies, on behalf of organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities thereof.

(10) The president of the electoral office and his/her alternate are magistrates appointed by the President of the Bucharest County Court 20 days before the election date, by random draw, by positions, from among the judges in office of the sector court of first instance.

(11) Within 24 hours from the date the magistrates are appointed, the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to the national minorities taking part in the elections shall communicate in writing the names of their representatives in the electoral office.

(12) Within 24 hours from the expiry of the deadline referred to in para­graph (10), the electoral offices shall be completed with one representative of the Permanent Electoral Authority.

(13) Within 24 hours from the expiry of the deadline referred to in paragraph (11), the electoral offices shall be completed with representatives of the political parties, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliances and electoral alliances, with due application of the provisions of paragraphs (7) and (8) referring to the establishing of the order for the completion of the electoral bureaus of the electoral constituencies.

(14) Political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and orga­nisations of citizens belonging to national minorities can appoint a single representative in the Central Electoral Bureau, in a constituency electoral bureau or in an electoral office.
