BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA- Constitution (1995)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2022)
BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2018)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2016)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law of the Brcko District (2003)
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Election Law (2006)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINIA - Election Law (2001)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA - Amicus Curiae Brief for the Constitutional Court of Bosnia and Herzegovina on the Mode of Election of Delegates to the House of Peoples of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (2016)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA- Amicus Curiae brief for the Constitutional Court on certain provisions of the Election Law, of the constitution of the federation and of the statue of the city of Mostar (2010)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA- Joint Opinion on amendments to the Election Law (2008)
BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA- Opinion on different proposals for the Election of the Presidency (2006)
BOSNIE & HERZÉGOVINE - Mémoire Amicus Curiae Pour la Cour Constitutionnelle de Bosnie-Herzégovine Sur le Mode D'election des Délégués à la Chambre des Peuples du Parlement de la Fédération de Bosnie-Herzégovine (2016)
BOSNIE & HERZEGOVINE - Avis conjoint sur les Amendements à la loi Électorale (2008)
BOSNIE & HERZEGOVINE- Avis sur différentes propositions pour l'Élection de la Présidence (2006)