SLOVAKIA - Constitution (2002)
SLOVAKIA - Act on Election Campaign (2019)
SLOVAKIA - Act on conditions for the exercise of the right to vote (2019)
Country: Slovakia
SLOVAKIA - Act on Election of the President of the Slovak Republic, Plebiscite, Recalling of President and Amending of some other Acts (2008)
SLOVAKIA - Act on Elections to the National Council (2004)
SLOVAKIA - Act on Elections to the Bodies of Self-government Regions and on Amendment to the Code of Civil Procedure (2001)
SLOVAKIA - National Assembly Elections Act (2000)
SLOVAKIA - Act amending the Act of the Slovak National Council No 80/1990 Coll. on Elections to the Slovak National Council, in Wording of later Regulations, and on Amendments to Certain Acts (1999)
SLOVAKIA - Law on Procedure of the Election of the President, on Plebiscite and Removal of the President and on Supplementation of several other Laws (1999)
SLOVAKIA - Act of the National Council on Local Elections (1998)
SLOVAKIA - Elections to the National Council (1998)