ALBANIA - Constitution of Albania (2020)
ALBANIA - Constitution (2016)
ALBANIA - Electoral Code of the Republic of Albania (2020)
ALBANIA - Electoral Code (2015)
Country: Albania
ALBANIA - Electoral Code (2012)
ALBANIA - Electoral Code (2008)
ALBANIA - Electoral Code (2003)
ALBANIA - Joint Opinion on the Amendements to the Constitution of 30 July of 2020 and to the Electoral Code of 5 Octobre 2020 (2020)
ALBANIA - Opinion on the Scope of the Power of the President to set the Dates of Elections (2019)
ALBANIA - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on the Legislative Initiative of the Citizens (2018)
ALBANIA - Joint Opinion on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Practice (2011)
ALBANIA- Joint Opinion on the Electoral Code (2009)
ALBANIA - Amicus Curiae Opinion on the Law on the Cleanliness of the Figure of High Functionaries of the Public Administration and Elected Persons (2009)
ALBANIA - Joint Recommendations on the Electoral Law and the Electoral Administration (2004)
ALBANIE - Avis Conjoint sur les Amendements a la Constitution du 30 Juillet 2020 et au Code Electoral du 5 Octobre 2020 (2020)
ALBANIE - Avis sur L'etendue du Pouvouir Presidentiel de Fixation de la Date des Elections (2019)
ALBANIE - Avis Conjoint Sur Le Projet de Loi Relatif A'Initiative Legislative Citoyenne (2018)
ALBANIE - Avis conjoint sur le Code Électoral (2009)
ALBANIE - Recommandations conjointes sur le droit Électoral et l'Administration des Élections (2004)