AZERBAIJAN - Constitution (2009)
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2019)
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2013)
AZERBAIJAN - Law on Local Elections (1999)
Country: Azerbaijan
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2008)
AZERBAIJAN - Election Code (2003)
AZERBAIJAN- Joint Opinion on the Revised Draft Law Making Amendments to the Law On the Status of Municipalities (2014)
AZERBAIJAN - Opinion on the Draft Law on Amendments to the Law on Political Parties (2011)
AZERBAIJAN - Joint Opinion on the Draft Law on amendments and changes to the Electoral Code adopted by the Council for Democratic Elections and the Venice Commission (2008)
AZERBAIJAN - Final Opinion on the amendments to the Election Code (2005)
AZERBAIDJAN - Avis conjoint sur le Projet d'amendements au Code Électoral (2008)
AZERBAIDJAN - Project d'avis final sur les Amendements au Code Électoral (2005)