Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 126

(1) Along with the voting date, the Government shall establish, by decision, upon the proposal of the Ministry of Interior and of the Permanent Electoral Authority, the calendar of the actions during the electoral period, the expenses necessary for the preparation and unfolding in good conditions of the local elections and the technical measures necessary for the proper organisation and unfolding of the local elections. The decision concerning the setting of the voting date, the decision concerning the expenses necessary for the preparation and unfolding in good conditions of the local elections, the decision concerning the technical measures necessary for the proper organisation and unfolding of the local elections and the decision approving the calendar of the actions necessary for the organisation and unfolding in good conditions of the elections for the authorities of the local public administration shall be published together in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

(2) The model of the permanent electoral list, the model of the copy of the complementary electoral lists, the model of the additional electoral list, the model of the excerpt from the permanent, complementary and additional electoral list, the model of the supporters’ list, as well as of the stamps of the constituency electoral bureaus and of the Central Electoral Bureau, the model of the ballot paper, the model of the control stamp and of the stamp marked VOTED, the model of the self-adhesive stamp, the model of the minutes for recording the results of the vote and the model of the election certificate for councillors, mayor, and of the president of the county council are established by resolution of the Permanent Electoral Authority, published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.*

(3) The remittance and receipt of the standard forms, stamps and the other materials needed for the voting shall be done based on a report.

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.
