Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 117

(1) The Ministry of Interior, through the National Administration of the State Reserves and Special Issues, shall provide the paper necessary for printing the ballot papers.

(2) The Ministry of Interior shall distribute, upon report, to the prefect’s institutions, the amounts of paper necessary for printing the ballot papers.

(3) The amounts of paper that are in their original intact packaging, remained unused, shall be returned by the prefect’s institutions to the territorial units of the National Administration of State Reserves and Special Issues from which they were taken, within 10 days from the publication of the results of the elections in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I, based on a handover-takeover report.

(4) The paper actually used, after the restitution referred to in paragraph (3), invoiced at the cost of the accounting entry, shall be paid by the Ministry of Interior, within 30 days from the publication of the results of the elections in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I.

(5) The prefect’s institutions shall ensure the printing of the ballot papers in order to guarantee the security of these documents.
