Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 108

The following represent minor off ences:

a) deliberate registration of a voter on several electoral lists; registration of fi ctitious persons or of persons who are not entitled to vote on the electoral lists, signing the supporters’ list in violation of the provisions of Article 51;

b) violation of the provisions regarding the posting of candidate lists and independent candidatures, or the use of electoral symbols;

c) keeping the registers of permanent electoral lists and complementary electoral lists in inappropriate conditions;

d) failure to make the communications stipulated by the law in due time and failure to operate them in the permanent electoral lists and in the complementary electoral lists;

e) performance of operations in the permanent electoral lists and in the complementary electoral lists by unauthorised persons;

f) failure to inform the Permanent Electoral Authority about the changes operated in the permanent electoral list;

g) failure of the organisers to take the necessary steps for the normal unfolding of electoral rallies, as well as the distribution, including by the candidates, of alcoholic beverages during rallies or, on the election day, within the premises of the polling stations, delimited under Article 83 paragraph (1);

h) failure to comply with the provisions of Article 65 paragraph (4);

i) failure to comply with the provisions of Article 81 paragraph (3) on the removal of the electoral propaganda means from the premises and from the building of the polling station;

j) destruction, deterioration, soiling, covering by writing on or in any other manner of the electoral lists, programme-platforms posted, or of any other posters or electoral propaganda notifications; k ) posting electoral propaganda means in other locations than the ones permitted under the provisions of the law;

l) acceptance, by a person, of his/her registration on several lists of candidates for the same public authority;

m) failure of the members of the constituency electoral bureaus to bring candidature proposals to public knowledge;

n) refusal to grant access to the persons stipulated under Article 83 paragraph (5) inside the voting premises;

o) failure to observe the provisions of Article 90 concerning the presence of other persons in the voting booths, as well as taking pictures of or fi lming, by any means, the ballot paper by the voters during the exercise of their right to vote;

p) refusal to comply with the orders of the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station as regards keeping order inside and outside the voting premises, according to the provisions of Article 83 paragraph (1); q ) handing over a ballot paper to a voter that does not present an ID document;

r) violation of the provisions of Article 93 by the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station and drawing up reports in breach of the provisions of Article 94;

s) leaving the polling station premises, by the members of the electoral bureau, before establishing the voting result and before signing the report;

ş) electoral propaganda being continued after the closure of the electoral campaign according to the provisions of Article 64, by releasing, posting or distributing electoral materials of any kind, as well as by advising the voters, on the voting day, at the premises of the polling stations or within the perimeter set out in Article 83 paragraph (1), to vote or not for certain political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances or independent candidates;

t) wearing, during the voting process, identity tags, badges or other electoral propaganda signs by the members of the electoral bureau of the polling station or by the accredited persons;

ţ) unjustified absence, from their duties, of the president, his/her alternate or of the members of the electoral bureaus, established under the provisions of this law;

u) refusal, by the president of the electoral bureau or his/her alternate, to issue a certified copy of the report to the persons entitled to it according to the provisions of this law;

v) failure of the mayor to comply with the provisions of Article 26 paragraph (61) of Law No. 35/2008, as subsequently amended and supplemented, that shall apply accordingly to the provisions of Article 16 paragraph (3);

w) unauthorised printing of the ballot papers, except for the annulled sample made available to the electoral competitors;

x) violation of the provisions of Article 81 paragraph (5);

y) failure to comply with the decisions of the electoral bureaus and offices; failure to comply with the resolutions of the Permanent Electoral Authority;

z) refusal to make available to the fact-finding agents referred to in Article 110 the documents and papers necessary for the inspection.
