Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 103

(1) The electoral bureaus of communal, town, municipal constituencies, of the sector constituencies of the Municipality of Bucharest, and county constituencies, respectively the electoral bureau of the constituency of the Municipality of Bucharest, shall draw up minutes, separately for the local council, the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest or the county council, as the case may be, and for the mayor, the General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest or for the president of the county council, as the case may be, concerning all the voting operations, vote centralisation, ascertaining of the election results and mandate assignment.**

(2) The report shall comprise:

a) the total number of voters included in the electoral lists existing in the electoral constituency (point a = point a1 + point a2 + point a3 + point a4), of which:

a1) the total number of voters according to the permanent electoral lists (point a1 > point b1);

a2) the total number of voters according to the copies of the complementary electoral lists (point a2 > point b2); a3) the total number of voters according to the additional electoral lists (point a3 > point b3); a4) the total number of voters for which the special ballot box has been used (point a4 > point b4);

b) the total number of voters included in the electoral lists existing in the electoral constituency, present for the vote (point b = point b1 + point b2 + point b3 + point b4) , of which: b1) the total number of voters present for the vote, included in the permanent electoral lists; b2) the total number of voters present for the vote, included in the copies of the complementary electoral lists; b3) the total number of voters present for the vote, included in the additional electoral lists; b4) the total number of voters present for the vote, for which the special ballot box has been used;

c) the total number of validly cast votes (point c < point b - point d) (point c = the total number of validly cast votes expressed in point g);

d) the total number of null votes;

e) the number of ballot papers received (point e > point c +point d + point f);

f) the number of ballot papers unused and annulled;

g) the total number of validly cast votes, obtained by each list of candidates or by each independent candidate for the office of councillor or, as the case may be, the total number of validly cast votes, obtained by each candidate for the mayor’s office, the office of General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest or the office of president of the county council respectively;*

h) the surname and first name of the candidates elected for the local council, respectively the county council and the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, the political party, political alliance or electoral alliance having proposed them, respectively the mention of independent candidate;

i) the surname and first name of the mayor, of the General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest and of the elected president of the county council respectively and the political party, political alliance or electoral alliance having proposed him/her, or the mention of independent candidate;*

j) a brief account of the objections and challenges lodged and of the decisions rendered by the constituency electoral bureau. The decisions issued by the constituency electoral bureaus are final.

(3) The reports shall be drawn up in 2 copies and signed by the president and the other members of the constituency electoral bureau, and shall also bear its stamp.

(4) The absence of the signatures of some members of the constituency electoral bureau shall have no effect on the validity of the report. The president shall mention the reasons that prevented the signing thereof.

(5) A copy of the minutes for the local council, for the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest and for the mayor, as the case may be, together with the objections, challenges and minutes received from the electoral bureaus of the polling stations, all making up a fi le, sealed and signed by the president and the members of the constituency electoral bureau, shall be forwarded, under escort by the staff  of the Ministry of Interior, within 48 hours at the most, to the court of first instance in whose territorial jurisdiction is located the electoral constituency for which elections have been held, and, for the county council, for the president of the county council or for the General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest respectively, to the county court in whose territorial jurisdiction is located the electoral constituency for which the elections have been held, or to the Bucharest Tribunal respectively, as the case may be, for the validation of the mandates.*

(6) The second copy of the minutes prepared by the electoral bureaus of communal, town, municipal constituencies, or of the sector constituencies of the Municipality of Bucharest, shall be sent, within 24 hours, to the electoral bureau of the county constituency, respectively of the Municipality of Bucharest.

(7) Upon request, the president or vice-president of the electoral bureau shall mandatorily issue to the members of constituency electoral bureaus or to the representatives of the political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances having submitted lists of candidates, as well as to the independent candidates, a certified copy of such minutes. The request must be filed in writing, before the minutes is drawn up.

(8) The electoral bureaus of communal, town, municipal or county constituencies, as the case may be, shall issue an election certificate to local councillors and to the mayor, respectively to county councillors.

(9) For the General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest, as well as for the members of the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, the election certificates shall be issued by the constituency electoral bureau of the Municipality of Bucharest, and for councillors and the sector mayor, by the electoral bureaus of sector constituencies.

** Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2019.
