Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 94

(1) After counting the votes, the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station shall draw up minutes, separately for the local council, the county council, the mayor’s office, as well as for the president of the county council, in 2 copies each.*

(2) Similarly, in the Municipality of Bucharest, the president of the electoral bureau of the polling station shall also draw up minutes for the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest, and one for the position of General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest.

(2)  The report shall comprise:

a) the total number of voters included in the electoral lists existing at the polling station (point a = point a1 + point a2 + point a3 + point a4),  of which:  a1) the total number of voters according to the permanent electoral list (point a1 > point b1);

a2) the total number of voters according to the copy of the complementary electoral list (point a2 > point b2);  a3) the total number of voters according to the additional electoral lists (point a3 > point b3);  a4) the total number of voters for which the special ballot box has been used (point a4 > point b4);

b) the total number of voters included in the electoral lists existing at the polling station, present for the vote (point b = point b1 + point b2 + point b3 + point b4),  of which: 

b1) the total number of voters present for the vote, included in the permanent electoral list;

b2) the total number of voters present for the vote, included in the copy of the complementary electoral list;

b3) the total number of voters present for the vote, included in the additional electoral lists;

b4) the total number of voters present for the vote, for which the special ballot box has been used;

c) the total number of validly cast votes (point c < point b - point d) (point c = the total number of validly cast votes expressed in point g);

d) the number of null votes;

e) the number of ballot papers received (point e > point c +point d + point f);

f) the number of ballot papers unused and annulled;

g) the number of validly cast votes, obtained by each list of candidates or by each independent candidate for the office of councillor or, as the case may be, the number of validly cast votes, obtained by each candidate for the office of mayor or for the office of president of the county council respectively;*

h) a brief account of the objections lodged and their solutions, as well as of the challenges filed with the constituency electoral bureau;

i) the number of ‘VOTED’ stamps; record shall be made about the disappearance of one or several stamps, where appropriate, as well as about the integrity of the ballot box seals at the end of the voting.

(4) The reports shall be signed by the president and the members of the electoral bureau of the polling station, and shall bear the control stamp. Signatures shall be placed next to the surname and first name and, as the case may be, to the political affiliation, respectively after stating the abbreviated name of the political party that they represent.

(5) The absence of the signatures of some members of the electoral bureau has no infl uence on the validity of the report and of the elections. The president shall mention the reasons that prevented the signing thereof.

(6) The president of the electoral bureau shall issue a copy of each report to the members of the electoral bureaus of the polling stations, upon request. The request must be done in writing before the drawing up of the report.

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.
