Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 80

(1) Constituency electoral bureaus shall ensure the proper unfolding of the electoral campaign within the constituency in which they operate.

(2) Constituency electoral bureaus shall settle the complaints addressed to them concerning the prevention of a political party, organisation of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliance, electoral alliance or independent candidate from conducting its electoral campaign as set by law, as well as the complaints alleging violations of the provisions of Articles 64, 65 and 79.

(3) If the constituency electoral bureau deems it necessary, upon sett ling the complaint, to take administrative measures or to apply administrative or criminal sanctions, it shall refer to the competent authorities.

(4) Challenges can be filed against the decisions rendered by the electoral bureaus in relation to the electoral campaign within 48 hours from the date of their posting, with the hierarchically superior electoral bureau. The decision is final.

(5) The complaints and challenges are settled within 3 days from their registration, and the decisions taken are published in the press and displayed visibly at the premises of the electoral bureau having issued them.

(6) Political parties, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, political alliances, electoral alliances, independent candidates or mayors, where appropriate, shall be bound to enforce the final decisions issued by the electoral bureaus concerning the electoral campaign, immediately after their communication.

(7) The electoral campaign, at national level, for the second round of the elections, shall start on the date of the official communication of the results of the first round of the elections, except for the electoral campaign conducted through public radio and television services.

(8) Within 24 hours from the totalisation of the votes at national level, public radio and television services shall allot new broadcasting time to the political parties with candidates in the second round of the elections, proportionately with the number of candidates, as well as to independent candidates.
