Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 76

(1) The candidates and the political parties or the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities taking part in the elections, whose rights or legitimate interests have been harmed due to the presentation of untruthful facts during an electoral programme, shall be entitled to the right to reply.

(2) The candidates and the political parties or the organisations of national minorities taking part in the elections, whose rights or legitimate interests have been harmed due to the presentation of inaccurate information during an electoral programme, shall benefi t from the right to correction.

(2) Radio broadcasting companies have the following obligations concerning the right to reply and to correction:

a) to decide about granting or not granting the requested right within 24 hours, at the most, from the receipt of a written request; if the request refers to a show broadcast on the last day of the electoral campaign, the decision must be made within 12 hours, at the most, from the receipt of the request;

b) to notify the decision made to the petitioner, within the time limits stipulated under point a), by telephone and/or in writing; if the requested right is denied, the reasons for this must be notified to the petitioner and to the National Audiovisual Council of Romania;

c ) if the decision made is to grant the requested right, to broadcast the correction or reply within 48 hours, at the latest, from the receipt of the request; if the show making the object of the referral was broadcast on the last day of the electoral campaign, the correction or reply shall be broadcast on the day preceding the voting;

d ) to broadcast the reply or correction within the time limits and under the terms communicated to radio broadcasting company, if the National Audiovisual Council of Romania rules in favour of the petitioner.

(4) On the day preceding the voting, the radio broadcasting companies must accommodate in their programmes, right after the evening news bulletin, an air time for broadcasting the corrections and replies resulting from the referrals concerning the shows broadcast on the last day of campaign.
