Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 68

(1) The access of parliamentary political parties, political alliances, and their electoral alliances, as well as of independent candidates to public radio and television services, including to their territorial stations, shall be free of charge. Non-parliamentary political parties, political alliances and their electoral alliances shall have free access to the territorial public radio and television broadcasting services only if they submit lists of candidates in at least 50% of the electoral constituencies in a county that is covered by those territorial stations. The broadcasting time granted under such circumstances must be proportional to the number of full lists of candidates submitted in that territory, and shall be calculated by the Romanian Television Corporation and the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company within 24 hours from the receipt of the data communicated by the Central Electoral Bureau. Non-parliamentary political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances submitt ing full lists of candidates in at least 50% of the electoral constituencies in 15 counties shall have access to the national public radio and television broadcasting services. Broadcasting time shall be granted after the candidatures become final; it shall be proportional to the number of full lists of candidates submitted and it shall be calculated by the Romanian Television Corporation and the Romanian Radio Broadcasting Company within 24 hours from the receipt of the data communicated by the Central Electoral Bureau.

 (2) The organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities shall have access to the territorial and national public radio and television broadcasting services, if they participate in the elections with lists of candidates in the electoral constituencies of counties and proportionately to their weight in the total population of that county, and that of Romania, respectively.

(3) Until the broadcasting time is calculated, according to paragraphs (1) and (2), the parliamentary political parties, their alliances, and the organisations of citizens belonging to the national minorities represented in the Parliament shall be granted broadcasting time proportionately to their weight within the Parliament.

(4)       The access of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, as well as of independent candidates and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities to private radio and television stations, including cable television, shall be free only during electoral shows, according to the provisions of Article 67.

(5) Buying broadcasting time for publicity purposes, for and on behalf of the participants in the electoral campaign, or the transfer of broadcasting time to candidates by public or private capital trading companies, public institutions, non-governmental organisations, or natural persons shall be forbidden.

(6) Political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances, independent candidates, as well as organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities must apply for broadcasting time no later than 40 days before the election date, with the management of the public and private radio and television stations, or, as the case may be, of their territorial stations. The applications filed after this deadline shall be disregarded.

(7) The broadcasting time with the public and private radio and television companies, including cable television, shall be granted to political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances, or to organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities taking part in the elections on each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Each independent candidate shall be entitled to a broadcasting time, with the territorial stations, of 5 minutes at most, summed up for the entire duration of the electoral campaign. Independent candidates in the electoral constituencies in the Municipality of Bucharest and those in municipalities that are county seats and are not within the coverage of a station, shall have access to the national public radio and television services for the same interval of 5 minutes at most, summed up for the entire duration of the electoral campaign.

(8) The shows broadcast within the broadcasting time granted to each political party, political alliance and electoral alliance, to independent candidates and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities shall be live or recorded, in the proportions decided upon by them.

(9) During the electoral shows, it is forbidden to combine colours, graphical signs or sounds evoking the national symbols of Romania or some other State.
