Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 67

(1) During the electoral campaign, the information concerning the electoral system, voting technique, electoral campaign calendar, political programmes, opinions and messages with an electoral content shall be presented only in the following types of shows:

 a) news bulletins – where information concerning the electoral system, voting technique, and the candidates’ campaign activities may be broadcast; to this effect, the scheduled length of the news bulletin may be extended by 15 minutes at the most; b ) electoral shows – where candidates may present their political and electoral campaign activities;

 c) electoral debates – where candidates, journalists, analysts and other  guests debate on the electoral programmes and on topics of public interest.

(2) During the news bulletins referred to in point a) of paragraph (1), it is forbidden to disseminate information concerning the electoral system and the voting technique that are not real.

(3) Private radio and television stations, including cable television, may include, in their own programme grid, shows of the type stipulated under paragraph (1).

(4) The shows stipulated under paragraph (1) shall not be deemed electoral publicity.

(5) 20-30 seconds publicity spots urging the voters to vote for a candidate or a list of candidates may be broadcast only during the shows stipulated under points b) and c) of paragraph (1).

(6) Buying air time with a view to broadcasting electoral videos or shows shall be forbidden.
