Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 52

(1) The constituency electoral bureau shall examine the observance of the legal requirements for a person to be able to stand as candidate, the observance of the substantive and formal conditions of the lists of candidates, as well as of the list of supporters. Candidatures meeting the legal conditions are registered. Candidatures that do not meet the legal substantive and formal conditions are dismissed by the constituency electoral bureau.

(2) Acceptance or dismissal of candidatures is done by decision of the constituency electoral bureaus.

(3) The lists of candidates for the local or county councils on which there are persons that do not meet the legal conditions for being able to stand as candidates are partially accepted, only for those candidates that meet the legal requirements. In this situation, the positions held by the candidates accepted on the list of candidatures shall be renumbered accordingly, the accepted candidates moving to the eliminated positions, immediately superior to their position on the list.

(4) If lists of candidates are accepted only partially, the political parties, the electoral alliances can withdraw the list in order to complete it before the expiry of the deadline set for submitt ing it.

(5) Lists including a number of candidates meeting the legal requirements for standing as candidates higher than the legal number, under Article 7 paragraph (6), shall be partially accepted, while the last candidatures on the list are dismissed, while the others are accepted, within the limit of the legal number of candidates.

(6) The original copies of the nomination shall be kept at the constituency electoral bureau. Copies of the nomination, certifi ed by the constituency electoral bureau through the signature of its president and by affi  xing the stamp, shall be remitt ed to the applicant; one of the copies remitt ed to the applicant shall be registered by the latt er with the court of first instance in whose territorial jurisdiction is located the electoral constituency for which the candidature is submitted, respectively with the county court.

(7) Within 24 hours from the registration of each candidature, one of the copies of the nomination shall be displayed by the constituency electoral bureau at its premises, in a visible place.

(8)The persons who, on the date of submission of the candidature, do not meet the legal requirements for being elected cannot stand as candidates. The candidatures of these persons are dismissed by the constituency electoral bureau.
