Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 49

(1) Political parties, political alliances and electoral alliances or the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities taking part in the elections may propose a list of candidates in each electoral constituency for the local council, the county council and a single candidate for the office of mayor and for the office of president of the county council.

(2) For each candidate for the office of mayor and president of the county council and for each list of candidates for the local and county council, the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities must present a list of supporters, including at least 1% of the total number of voters registered in the Electoral Register and on the complementary electoral lists in the constituency for which they stand as candidates, but not less than 100 for communes, than 500 for urban localities of ranks II and III and than 1,000 for counties, the Municipality of Bucharest, the sectors of the Municipality of Bucharest and urban localities of rank I.*

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.
