Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 41

(1) Challenges concerning the organisation and composition of the electoral bureaus can be filed within 48 hours from the appointment of the presidents and of their alternates or, where appropriate, from the completion of the electoral bureaus with representatives of political parties, political or electoral alliances or organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities taking part in the elections.

(2) Challenges are settled by the electoral bureau of the communal, town, municipal constituency or of the sector constituency, in the case of the Municipality of Bucharest, if they concern the electoral bureau of the polling station, by the electoral bureau of the county constituency or of the Municipality of Bucharest, if they concern the electoral bureau of the communal, town or municipal constituency, respectively of the sector constituency, in the case of the Municipality of Bucharest, by the Central Electoral Bureau, if they concern the electoral bureau of the county constituency or of the Municipality of Bucharest, and by the High Court of Cassation and Justice, if they concern the Central Electoral Bureau, within 2 days from the registration of the challenges.

(3) Challenges concerning the drawing up, by the prefect, of the list from which the random draw is to be conducted for the positions of presidents of the electoral bureaus of the polling stations and their alternates are settled by the county constituency electoral bureaus or by the constituency electoral bureau of the Municipality of Bucharest, where appropriate.

(4) The decision given is final and is notified, in the case of the president of the electoral bureau and his/her alternate, within 24 hours, to the president of the county court who, in case such a challenge is upheld, makes a new appointment.
