Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 38

(1) The Central Electoral Bureau is composed of 7 judges of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, the president and vicepresidents of the Permanent Electoral Authority and 11 representatives of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances, organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities and a representative of the Parliamentary Group of the national minorities within the Chamber of Deputies.

(2) The appointment of the judges is done in public session, within 5 days, at the most, from the establishment of the date of the elections, by random draw, by the President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, from among the judges in office thereof. The result of the random draw is entered in a report signed by the President and first assistant-magistrate* of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, which represents the establishment document. The date of the session for the random draw is made public in the broadcast media and written press, by the President of the High Court of Cassation and Justice, at least 24 hours in advance.

(3) Within 24 hours from the appointment, the 7 judges shall choose from among them, by secret vote, the president of the Central Electoral Bureau and his/her alternate.

(4) Within 24 hours from the election of its president, the Central Electoral Bureau shall be completed with the president and the vicepresidents of the Permanent Electoral Authority, with one representative of each political party having among its members at least 7 senators or 10 deputies or having obtained parliamentary representation at the previous ballot, as well as with one representative of the parliamentary group of the national minorities in the Chamber of Deputies on behalf of the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities represented in such group. The Central Electoral Bureau shall be completed with representatives of the political parties and of the organisations of citizens belonging to the national minorities having among their members at least 7 senators or 10 deputies or having obtained parliamentary representation at the previous ballot in the order of the cumulated number of deputies and senators, within the limit of the maximum number of 11 members provided under paragraph (1).**

(5) Within 48 hours from the date the candidatures have remained final, the political parties and the organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, other than those provided under paragraph (4), the political alliances and electoral alliances having submitted full lists for the county councils in at least 18 counties may each propose one representative within the Central Electoral Bureau. Political alliances and electoral alliances including political parties and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities represented in compliance with paragraph (4) no longer enjoy the provisions of this paragraph. The completion is done within the limit of the maximum number of 11 members provided under paragraph (1), within 24 hours from the date of proposal of the representatives, depending on the number of candidatures submitted for county councils, and, in case of a tie, by random draw.**

* Rectifi ed.
** Amended by Law No. 91/2020.
