Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 37

(1) If, in the Municipality of Bucharest, elections are being held only for the public administration authorities at municipal level, the sector electoral offices referred to in Article 16 paragraph (6) of Law No. 35/2008, as subsequently amended and supplemented, are also set up.

(2) The electoral offices referred to in paragraph (1) are composed of a president and his/her alternate, and of 6 members, appointed by the municipal organisations of the parliamentary political parties. If a parliamentary political party does not have an organisation at the level of the Municipality of Bucharest, the appointment of this representative is made by the central management of the party.

(3) The president and his/her alternate are magistrates appointed by the President of the Bucharest County Court, at least 15 days before the date of the elections, by random draw, from among the judges in office of the sector court of first instance. The date of the public session for the random draw is announced in writing to the parliamentary political parties, 2 days before the date of its taking place, by the President of the Bucharest County Court. Representatives of the parliamentary political parties are entitled to take part in the organisation and unfolding of the random draw.

(4) The completion of the electoral office with representatives of the parliamentary political parties is done by the president of the office, within 24 hours from his/her appointment. The completion is done in the decreasing order of the total number of Senators and Deputies of each party.

(5) If the electoral office cannot be completed with the number of members set by law, given that the number of parliamentary parties is lower than the number of members of the office, the completion operation is repeated until the office is provided with the legal number of members.

(6) The electoral offices of the sectors of the Municipality of Bucharest shall duly fulfil the powers referred to in Article 17 paragraph (3) of Law No. 35/2008, as subsequently amended and supplemented.
