Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 31

The electoral bureaus of the polling stations have the following powers:

a) to receive, from the mayors, the permanent electoral lists, the copies of the complementary electoral lists and the additional electoral lists and to ensure the necessary conditions for their verification by the voters;

b) to receive, from the constituency electoral bureaus, the ballot papers for the voters voting in the respective polling station, the control stamp and the ‘VOTED’ stamps;

c) to conduct the voting process and to take all the measures aimed at ensuring order within the premises of the polling station and around it;

d) to count the votes and to record the results of the vote for the electoral constituencies for which people have voted in the respective polling station, distinctly, for the local council, for the mayor’s office, respectively the office of General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest, for the county council and the president of the county council, respectively for the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest;*

e) to settle objections concerning their own activity;

f) to draw up and forward to the constituency electoral bureau the files referred to in Article 96;

g) to remit, based on minutes, to the constituency electoral bureau, the ballot papers used and unchallenged, as well as the ones annulled, the electoral lists used, the stamps and the other materials necessary to the vote;

h) to verify, through electronic means, the lawfulness of the exercise of the right to vote, according to Article 85, as well as the correlations between the minutes recording the results of the vote, referred to in Article 94 paragraph (3), according to the procedure established by decision of the Central Electoral Bureau.

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.
