Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 27

(1) Constituency electoral bureaus have the following powers:

a) to monitor the implementation of the legal provisions concerning the elections in the electoral constituency in which they operate;

b) to register the lists of candidates and independent candidatures for the local councils, as well as the candidatures for the mayor’s office and ascertain their final nature;

c) to communicate to the county constituency electoral bureau, respectively of the constituency of the Municipality of Bucharest, the names of the political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities, which have submitt ed full lists of candidates;

d) to publish and display, insofar as necessary, the lists of candidates and independent candidatures for councillors and the candidatures for the office of mayor and president of the county council;*

e) to establish, based on the number of voters enlisted in the Electoral Register and in the complementary electoral lists, communicated in compliance with the provisions of Article 20, the number of supporters necessary for submitt ing the candidatures of political parties, political alliances, electoral alliances and organisations of citizens belonging to national minorities and independent candidatures;

f) to distribute to the electoral bureaus of the polling stations the ballot papers, the control stamp and the ‘VOTED’ stamps;

g) to settle any objection concerning their own activity and any challenge concerning the operations of the electoral bureaus of the polling stations;

h) the electoral bureau of the communal, town, municipal constituency, respectively of the sector constituency in the case of the Municipality of Bucharest, shall sum up the votes cast and shall establish the result of the voting for the electoral constituency in which it operates; to issue, to the elected councillors and mayor, the certificate ascertaining their election;

i) the county constituency electoral bureau, respectively the Constituency Electoral Bureau of the Municipality of Bucharest, shall sum up the votes cast for the county council, for the president of the county council, respectively for the General Council of the Municipality of Bucharest and for the General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest, and shall establish the result of the voting; shall issue to the county councillors and to the president of the county council and the General Mayor of the Municipality of Bucharest respectively, the certificate ascertaining their election, after which it will forward to the court of first instance or to the county court, as applicable, in whose territorial jurisdiction the electoral constituency for which the elections have been held is located, the minutes and the other documents concerning the results of the elections for councillors, as stipulated in Article 103 paragraph (5), in order to validate their mandates;*

j) to organise, where appropriate, the second round of elections for mayors or for the presidents of the county council;**

k) to communicate data concerning the elections and their result, through the county constituency electoral bureau, respectively of the Municipality of Bucharest, to the Central Electoral Bureau and to the Government, and publish, for the population within the electoral constituency, by any means of publicity, the results of the elections;

l) to receive from the electoral bureaus of the polling stations and to remit to the judges, in whose territorial jurisdiction they operate, the ballot papers used and unchallenged, as well as those annulled, the electoral lists used, the stamps and the rest of the materials necessary to the voting.

(2) By full list of candidates we understand the list including a number of candidates equal to the sum of the maximum number of seats of councillor, established under the provisions of Law No. 215/2001, republished, as subsequently amended and supplemented, for the respective administrative-territorial unit, and the number representing a quarter of the number of seats, established according to the provisions of Article 7 paragraph (6).

(3) County constituency electoral bureaus and those of the constituency of the Municipality of Bucharest shall accredit domestic observers.

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.

* Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 57/2019.
** Amended by Government Emergency Ordinance No. 40/2019.
