Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 22

(1) Complementary electoral lists mandatorily include the following: the voter’s surname and first name, date and place of birth, Member State of origin, address in Romania, number of the electoral constituency.

(2) The citizens of the European Union have the right to verify the entries in the complementary electoral lists. For this purpose, the mayors shall inform the public about the place and time interval when these can be verified.

(3) Objections against omissions, wrong entries or any errors on the lists are fi led in writing with the mayor. The mayor must state upon them, in writing, within 3 days at the most, from the date the objection is registered.

(4) Challenges can be lodged against the solution rendered by the mayor within 24 hours from notification thereof. The challenge shall be sett led within 3 days, at the most, from its registration, by the court of first instance in whose territorial jurisdiction the locality is located. The court ruling is final and it shall be notified to the person concerned and to the mayor, within 24 hours from its rendering.

(5) The mayors, together with the territorial bodies of the General Inspectorate for Immigration, shall make copies of the complementary electoral lists. The copies of the complementary electoral lists are forwarded, by the mayor, based on a report, in 2 copies, to the electoral bureaus of the polling stations, 3 days before the elections. A copy is made available to the voters to consult it, and the other one is used on the day of the elections. A reproduced copy is kept by the mayor.

(6) The copies of the complementary electoral lists shall be signed by the mayor, by the secretary of the administrative-territorial unit and by the head of the territorial body of the General Inspectorate for Immigration.

(7) The copies of the complementary electoral lists shall include the voter’s surname and first name, date and place of birth, Member State of origin, address in Romania, the number of the electoral constituency, the number of the polling station and a section for the voter’s signature.

(8) Any discrepancy between the complementary electoral list and the copy drawn up under paragraph (5) is forthwith sett led by the mayor, based on the data included in the complementary electoral list.

(9) Any change in the complementary electoral list, once the copies are sent to the electoral bureau of the polling station, shall be notified to it by the mayor, within 24 hours, at the most.
