Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 21

(1) Complementary electoral lists have a permanent nature and include all the citizens of the European Union with the right to vote that are listed in the records of the General Inspectorate for Immigration and are domiciled or residing in the locality for which the list is drawn up.

(2) Complementary electoral lists are drawn up and updated by the mayor, together with the territorial bodies of the General Inspectorate for Immigration.

(3) Complementary electoral lists are drawn up in 2 original copies and are signed by the mayor, by the secretary of the administrative-territorial unit and by the head of the territorial body of the General Inspectorate for Immigration. The complementary electoral lists are kept in special registries with tear-off pads.

(4) The mayor, together with the territorial bodies of the General Inspectorate for Immigration, shall update the complementary electoral lists until no later than 45 days before the day of the ballot.

(5) Within 5 days from the expiry of the deadline referred to in paragraph (4), the General Inspectorate for Immigration shall send to the Permanent Electoral Authority a copy of the data in the complementary electoral lists, in electronic format.

(6) The persons having lost their electoral rights are removed from the complementary electoral list, based on the communication of the court of law to the mayor, within 5 days from the date the court ruling remains final.

(7) If they no longer meet the conditions for exercising their right to vote, set out in this law, or if they expressly demand their removal from the electoral lists through writt en request addressed to the mayor, as well as in case of death, the citizens of the European Union are removed from the complementary electoral lists by the mayor. In case of death, the removal of the citizens of the European Union from the complementary electoral lists is done based on the notification by the General Inspectorate for Immigration.
