Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > ROMANIA - Law for the Election of Local Public Administration Authorities
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Article 8

(1) Under this law, we understand by national minority the ethnicity represented in the Council of National Minorities.

(2) The organisations of Romanian citizens belonging to the national minorities represented in the Parliament can submit candidatures.

(3) Other organisations of Romanian citizens belonging to the national minorities legally set up, fi ling a list of members to the Central Electoral Bureau, can also submit candidatures. The number of their members cannot be lower than 15% of the total number of citizens having declared, at the last census, as belonging to the respective minority.

(4) If the number of members required for meeting the conditions set in paragraph (3) is above 25,000 people, the list of members must include at least 25,000 persons domiciled in at least 15 of the country’s counties and the Municipality of Bucharest, but not less than 300 people for each of these counties and for the Municipality of Bucharest.

(5) The list of members is drawn up by localities and by counties and it must contain: the name of the organisation, the members’ surname and fi rst name, date of birth, address, name, series and number of the ID document, their signatures, as well as the surname and fi rst name of the person having drawn it up. The person having drawn up the list is bound, together with it, to fi le a sworn statement certifying the accuracy of the members’ signatures.
