Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - Law on Election Commissions to Conduct Elections and Referenda
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Article 23

Territorial and Precinct Election Commission Operational Organization

1. A territorial, precinct election commission shall perform its activity based on collegiality, publicity, transparency.
2. A territorial, precinct election commission shall be entitled to proceed to work if the number of its members is not less than two thirds of the approved staff size.
3. Territorial, precinct election commissions operational organization issues shall be identified by the present Law and electoral legislation.
4. First meeting of a respective election commission shall be legally qualified if attended by no less than two thirds of the approved number of the members of a respective election commission. First meeting shall be opened and presided by the eldest member of a respective election commission.
5. At the first meeting of the respective election commission:

1) the presiding member shall introduce members of the election commission;
2) a returning board of three members of the respective election commission shall be elected by open ballot by the majority vote of the attending members;
3) Chairman and secretary of the election commission shall be elected.

6. Territorial, precinct election commission meetings (hereinafter referred to as meeting) shall be either called by the Chairman or on the request of no less than one third of the approved number of members of a respective election commission. Its meetings shall be called not less than once a week during the election, referendum preparation and conduct.

7. Meeting shall be legally qualified if attended by majority of the approved number of the members of a respective election commission. Minutes of the meeting shall be kept.
8. Territorial election commission decisions on issues concerning financial support of elections and referenda preparation and conduct, cancellation of candidate’s registration, lists of candidates, ballot returns and election results, recognition of invalidity or failure of an election, repeat ballot or reelection, cancellation of a decision taken by a precinct election commissions shall be made by two thirds of the votes of the approved number of the territorial election commission members.
9. Precinct election commission decisions on issues concerning financial support of elections and referenda preparation and conduct, ballot returns at the polling station shall be made by no less than two thirds of the votes of the approved number of the precinct election commission members.
10. Territorial, precinct election commission decisions on other issues shall be passed at meetings by the majority vote of the approved number of members of the respective election commission.
11. Territorial, precinct election commission decisions shall be signed by the election commission Chairman and Secretary.
12. A territorial, precinct election commission member who disagrees with the decision shall be eligible to express his/her special opinion in writing, which should be recorded in the meeting’s minutes, and attached to the minutes. The Chairman must report it to a higher ranking election commission within two days, and do it immediately on the ballot day and the day following the ballot day.
