Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > KYRGYZ REPUBLIC - Law on Election Commissions to Conduct Elections and Referenda
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Article 8

Central Election Commission First Meeting, Chairman and Deputy Chairmen Election Procedure

1. The Central Election Commission members shall hold their first meeting no later than five calendar days after their election.

2. The first meeting of the Central Election Commission shall be valid if attended by at least two thirds of the established members of the Central Election Commission, and presided by its oldest member.

3. At the first meeting of the Central Election Commission:

1) the presiding member shall introduce the Central Election Commission members;
2) a returning board of three members of the Central Election Commission shall be elected by open ballot by the majority vote of the attending members;
3) Chairman of the Central Election Commission and two Deputy Chairmen shall be elected.
4. Nominees to the position of the Chairman shall be nominated by the Central Election Commission members. A member of the Central Election Commission recommended for the position of the Central Election Commission Chairman shall have a law degree or some experience of participation in an election as a candidate or member of an election commission.
5. A Candidate who received more than half of the votes of the Central Election Commission members, having taken part in the vote, shall be considered elected to the position of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission.
6. Where no candidate received the required number of votes during the first round of voting the second round shall be held for a single candidate who received the majority of the votes.
7. Where a candidate failed to receive more than half of the votes of the total number of the Central Election Commission members during the second round, a new election shall be held and new candidates shall be nominated.
8. Where candidates received an equal number of votes during the first round a new election shall be held.
9. Election of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission may not be postponed to the next meeting of the Central Election Commission.
10. The Central Election Commission may take a decision to suspend the first meeting for no more than ten hours.
11. A candidate for the position of a Deputy Chairman must have a law degree or experience of participation in an election as a candidate or member of an election commission. Deputy Chairmen of the Central Election Commission shall be nominated by the Central Election Commission members and elected in a procedure as specified for election of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission.
12. The Central Election Commission shall issue a resolution to the effect of the election of the Chairman of the Central Election Commission and Deputy Chairmen.
13. Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Central Election Commission shall be considered civil servants and execute their authorities on a permanent basis.
14. In case of an early termination of the authorities of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Central Election Commission a vacancy shall be filled under the election procedure.
15. The organizational support of the first meeting, election of the Chairman and Deputy Chairmen of the Central Election Commission shall be the responsibility of the administrative staff of the Central Election Commission.
