Home > 4.6 Election of non-political bodies > MEXICO - General Law on Electoral Institutions and Procedures of Mexico
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Article 101

101.1. For the election of the President Councilor and the Electoral Councilors of the Local Public Bodies, the following is observed:

a) The General Council of the Institute will issue a public call for each corresponding state, which should expressly specify the offices and periods to be appointed, deadlines of the appointment process, the bodies before which the interested applicants should register, requirements, documentation and the procedure to be followed;

b) The Commission of Liaising with the Local Public Bodies will be in charge of the development, monitoring and management of the appointment process;

c) The registration and delivery of documents for the appointment process will be made in each state or before the Secretariat of the General Council. For the dissemination of the process and the reception of the documentation of the applicants, the Commission will be assisted by the decentralized bodies of the Institute in the thirty-two states;

d) The Commission can adopt complimentary information for the development of the appointment process from the integration proposals made by each of the local councils of the Local Public Bodies. In all cases, the persons included in the proposals should ful f ll the requirements established by the Constitution and this Law;

e) The Commission will present to the General Council of the Institute a list of up to five names for each vacancy in the state;

f) When the same selection process aims to fill more than one vacancy, the Commission will present to the General Council of the Institute one list with the names of all candidates to occupy all of the vacancies;

g) The lists that contain the proposals should be conveyed to the General Council of the Institute at least seventy-two hours before the corresponding session;

h) The General Council of the Institute will appoint by majority of eight votes the President Councilor and the Electoral Councilors of the Local Public Bodies, specifying the period that they are appointed for, and

i) The General Council of the Institute should publish the appointment in the Official Gazette of the Federation and the equivalent in the state, as well as convey the appointment to the local authorities.

101.2. In the event that from this election process the General Council of the Institute does not fill the total number of vacancies, a new process should be initiated regarding the not filled vacancies.

101.3. When there is a vacancy of the President Councilor or of an Electoral Councilor in any state, the General Council of the Institute will carry out the same procedure established in the present article to cover the respective vacancy.

101.4. If the vacancy occurs during the first four years of the office of the Electoral Councilor, a substitute will be chosen to conclude the period. If the vacancy occurs during the last three years, a Councilor will be chosen for a new period.
